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Need More Leads?

For Your business?

The secret to making money? Book, Book, Book! Right? But wait, don't skip ahead to the fun part just yet! Trust me, I've been there. You need all the pieces of the puzzle to make those sweet bookings. Great news for you, I know exactly what's been missing from your marketing game, and I'm here to help you score those consistent bookings!

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Let me help you

Have strangers lining up to book your services!

I'm an Expert in...

Campaign Ideation, Development & Execution


Meta Ads

Social Media

Copy Writing

Email Marketing

You no longer have to worry about Marketing - Focus on your ART

Being a photographer is like being an army of one; the marketing team, call center, editor, sales consultant, stylist, designer, social media hotshot... the list goes on and on! It's enough to make your head spin and have you feeling like giving up. But fear not! I’ve got a game-changer that'll have you doing backflips. Introducing our new CMO service that takes the reins of your marketing, A to Z, so you can focus (see what I did there ;-) on why you started your business to begin with. We don't just run ads, we partner with you to keep you booked year round.

White laptop, female hand, note, pen, phone, desk

Put an End to Holes in Your Calemdar!

Hi there! Nice to meet you!

I'm Karina. Your new

Fractional CMO

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What is a Fractional CMO?

A chief marketing officer (CMO) is a C-suite executive responsible for overseeing the planning, development and execution of an organization's marketing and advertising initiatives. With the goal to drive business growth.

To break it down I would be responsible for coming up with campaigns, writing the copy, creating designs, running ads, posting on social media, creating, email campaign sequences & all other aspects necessary to ensure successful campaigns.

But what’s the deal with fractional? You get all the perks of an Executive without your studio having to commit to a full-time, in-house CMO.

Finally you can have an expert on your team at a fraction of the cost. oops I did it again! :-)

The Partner You Need

What I do for you:

Let's go!

Clipboard with calendar placed on desk amidst stationery
White laptop, female hand, note, pen, phone, desk
Female Hands Typing on Laptop on Modern Table

Marketing Campaigns

Email Marketing

Social Media

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Create Your Annual Marketing Plan

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Ensure Cohesive Branding

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Develop Engaging Content

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Website Optimization

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Drive Traffic To Website

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Lead Generation Strategies

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Monitor & Analyze Performance

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Conduct Market Research

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Create Email Sequences

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Create Monthly Newsletter

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Analyze Open Rates

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Effective Email Segmentation

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Write Compelling Copy

Clean Up Dead Leads

Refresh Current Email List

Grow Email Subscribers

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Content Creation Plan

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Improve Engagement

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Short Form Video Concepts

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Create Daily Post/Stories For Meta

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Run PayPerClick Ads

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Grow Your Facebook Group

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Create Design Assets

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Retargeting Meta Ads

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Quotation Mark

You’re in Control

Marketing is the heart of acquiring new Clients. You no longer have to think of ideas on how to bring in clients or pay an ad agency extra anytime you are inspired with a new creative concept. While I’ll help with concepts and marketing campaigns you will always have the ultimate decision. I’m here to bring your vision to life by creating marketing initiatives that align with your brands voice.

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This is for you if...

  • You’re tired of scrambling last minute to put a sale together when you have cancellations or low bookings.
  • You’re so busy shooting and operating your studio that posting & marketing falls through the cracks.
  • You feel unheard by your current or previous agency.
  • You start to feel like a slave to your own business.

It's time to delegate

3 Ways You Can Work With Me

Clipboard with calendar placed on desk amidst stationery

DFY Meta Ads

Get our METACLICKS service where we run your ads for you. Please Note we only run ads at one photographer per area. Please check if you’re area is available.

What's included

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Campaign Audience & Strategy with Advanced Retargeting Strategies

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Ad Creatives, Including Industry Proven Campaigns

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Don’t pay extra for signature campaigns such as Black Friday or Giveaway campaigns.

I location per area.

Woman Typing on Laptop

Done With You

Group Coaching for 6 months to help you run effective marketing campaigns in 2024. This is for those who are tired of trying strategies that are also tired and want to level up their marketing. Plus You get to keep your ads in-house. One weekly call. We will help you until you succeed.

What's included

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We come up with your marketing plan together.

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We give you new & fresh campaign ideas.

Out with the same tired strategies in our industry.

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We help you navigate the Meta Platform & teach you how to run campaigns that keep you booked!

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We Create An Eco System That Warms Up Leads quickly.

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We teach you how to close your leads! (Cold Leads are not the same as organic leads)

One Time Campaign

Are you looking to run a one time campaign to book sessions in bulk? Need leads quickly? This is the strategy!

What's included

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We have clients booking 18-100 sessions from this campaign.

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We run your ads for 2 weeks.

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We provide copy for your landing page and step by step assistance.

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We give you our closing script which took years to craft and it’s gold on it’s own.

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We give you the strategy and you can use it every year!

Steps to follow

Book your Spot

Calendar Reminder Plan Organizer Office Business   Organic Drawn
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Step one

Fill Out The Contact Form

Tell Us About Your Business. Where you are and where you want to be.

Smart Phone with Chat App Communication Organic Drawn   Style
Scrapbook note planner element

Step two

Schedule a call on my calendar.

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Step three

Make Payment

Frequently asked questions

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Do You Guarantee Results?

No one can ever guarantee results. What I can tell you is we are achieving results for many in the industry. I also own and actively operate a commercial studio. I am in the know of what happens in the market. We obsess over campaigns and invest in education from people managing 200 million dollar ad campaigns! You’re in good hands!

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Are the Ad services exclusive to my area?

Yes! Only one studio per location will be accepted.

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Will there be recordings for the mentorship?

Yes! All calls will be recorded in case you cannot make one and loaded onto the members area.

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I have more questions before signing up

Need to chat or have a question? Don't be shy, fill out the form below and our team will get back to you ASAP!


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Fractional CMO

I'd love to hear from you! I aim to answer all emails ​within our normal business hours of M-F, 9-6pm. cst

Stay in Touch!

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